Windwiser 2 marine instrument

3D digital Compass
Water and UV resistant
Built-in GPS
Race timer
Graphic display
Numeric display

Price : 640 EUR 555 EUR (VAT included)


Available functions, combined with Windwiser anemometer and depth gauge:
  • AWA apparent wind angle
  • AWS apparent wind speed
  • SOG speed over ground: boats speed relative to the ground
  • COG course over ground): boats direction of travel
  • HDG heading
  • TWA true wind angle: True wind direction
  • TWS true wind speed: True wind speed
  • TWD true wind direction: the wind direction relative to magnetic north
  • VMG velocity made good: the distance traveled in the direction of the wind
  • BTW bearing to waypoint: heading in the direction of a defined coordinate
  • DTW distance to waypoint: distance from the defined coordinate direction
  • VTW velocity to waypoint: travel speed towards the defined coordinate
  • PSR polar speed relative: Relative speed relative to polar diagram
  • DEP water depth
  • Depth relative to waterline or bottom of keel
  • Depth alarm


Using the connected wind gauge, the instrument measures the direction (AWA) and speed (AWS) of the incoming wind at the top of the ship's mast. The instrument, which is a central display and control interface in one, contains a GPS that provides vessel speed (SOG) and vessel heading (COG). These data can be displayed immediately on the display, both numerically and vectorially. The satellite positioning sensor detects Glonass satellites in addition to GPS satellites for more accurate measurements.

The true wind direction (TWA) and speed (TWS) are obtained by vectorial subtraction from the direction and speed of the wind and the direction and speed of the ship. These can also be numerical and vectorial data, moreover, the real wind and the apparent wind can be displayed on a common wind diagram (Wind page).

The geographical wind direction (TWD) can be calculated from the actual wind direction and the ships direction, and from this the windward gain (VMG).

Waypoint coordinates can be pre-defined on the instrument, just like on a chart plotter. The instrument can tell the distance from the defined waypoint (DTW), the angular deviation from the waypoint (BTW), and the speed of travel in the direction of the waypoint (VTW).

In Windwiser 2, there is also a place for a starting line display, with notable starting times. The approach of the starting shot is accompanied by a sound signal.

You can jump from the start clock to the start line function by pressing a button. Here, after defining the two ends of the start line (Referee boat and start buoy), the instrument immediately indicates the distance from the line, our speed in the direction of the line, and the expected arrival time. This way, you can avoid an early start.

The instrument can record your ship's polar chart. The device continuously collects the highest speed of your boat in case of wind direction and wind speed. It stores these values, from which a so-called polar diagram is created. As you sail, Windwiser2 tells you whether you are reaching our PSR. The polar diagram can be downloaded and copied.

With the addition of the Windwiser 2 depth measurement module, it can determine the depth of the water below the boat (DEP). The displayed value can be offset, so that the depth from the bottom of the keel or from the waterline can also be displayed. An alarm can also be set, in which case an audio signal warns the captain of insufficient water depth.

The software of the instrument is equipped with an update function available to all customers. Using the free WindwiserTools app and the built-in bluetooth module, the upgrade takes just 2 minutes and can be done by anyone. With the help of WindwiserTools, not only the update can be carried out, but also the waypoints can be immediately uploaded to the instrument, and the polar diagrams can also be copied to your mobile phone.

The built-in Bluetooth module can transmit the information measured by Windwiser 2 to a mobile application such as iRegatta. With this, the measured data can even be displayed on a tablet.

Appearance and handling

The 95x63mm LCD display of the Windwiser 2 enables the display of graphic and character (numerical) data. In the case of numerical data, 3 data fields are visible, two 20 mm and one 34 mm high. The size of the graphic display is 60mm, and it includes two 20mm data fields. The data can be changed as desired. The measurement units can be set in km/h and knots. The header of the display contains the name of the current page, the exact time, and an additional changeable data field. The device is operated using 4 push buttons, the functions of which are indicated by clear pictograms. Pressing the button is accompanied by a sound signal. The background lighting and contrast can be adjusted within wide limits.

Equipment, commissioning

The display of the Windwiser 2 is also the central unit of the system. The anemometer, the depth gauge and the display communicate with each other via a so-called CAN bus system. It is a four-wire system that includes the power supply. The order of the units in the bus system can be changed and several displays can be connected as well.

The back of the display is flat, so it can be fitted and connected using only 4 drilled holes and no other modifications. (2 12mm holes for connectors and 2 5mm holes for fixing screws.)

The depth gauge can be ordered with two types of sonar. We recommend the glue-in sensor on boats with a solid laminate bottom shell (that is, not a sandwich structure). This will save your boat from drilling and other possible errors. In this case, the depth gauge can also be installed on the water without lifting the boat into a drydock.

Technical parameters

  • External size: 143x143x35 mm
  • Active screen size and type: 95x63 mm LCD
  • Character sizes: 34 mm (large character) and 20 mm (medium character)
  • Voltage and current requirement: 12V @ 200 mA
  • Lighting: White LCD background with red buttons
  • Water resistance rating: IP67
  • Material: UV resistant ABS plastic.
  • Additional accessories: UV and dust protection cap

User manuals